When I was human 30

I was once human

I was once part of this earth

Breathing, walking, living

Just like everyone else.

A time came when I left

Bodies, stories, memories, lives


And went somewhere far away

From the mind of humans,

From the earth itself

Becoming nothing

Becoming everything

Becoming something

And then nothing again.

I was once human,

I dreamt of being a god

Of nothingness,

But then I would still be something

So I gave it up

While I was once human

I gave everything up

When I was nothing

I dreamt of nothing

I didn’t know I was

I knew I could be


When I was human.

When I was human 10

As I meet others

I meet myself.

I smile

They smile,

I laugh

They laugh;

We meet halfway

In the deserted streets of the soul

Filled with light

From the outside,

From the inside

From the universe

From the earth;

We shape and form

According to the seasons

That see us growing

That see us die

That see us get reborn.

When I was human 2

In a fantastic world of being,

I found myself colorless

While dragging down, into my being

All the colors that were

In an attempt to make a rainbow

Of other beings that were waiting

To come forth from other Earths

That lived inside my heart,

Without making a sound,

But still beating in rhythm with the


That was so vast and big

No atom could contain it;

As it looked into my eyes

And my eyes looked at it,

It felt like a cold mirror

Hung on the streets of my soul.

Germany calling 29

Winter made my heart tremble and quiver,

Get excited and shine

At the same time that the sky

Was losing its light

Through a mist of the soul

That foretold stories yet

To be told

About nature

Coming to its peak and then,

Falling down, into the earth, again,

Like separate parts of existence –

Above the earth

Below the earth,

As above, so below,

As below, so above;

I was waiting to see the mistress of winter

Come into my heart to

Unfreeze certain states

Of being

I had lost during summer

When the heat burned them all,

Emotions going into a state of icy waiting

To come out and be saved

During the season of cold

That was my season

Since I was born in January.

Germany calling 26

I was a small part of the universe

In a corner of the world

That could be down or up

According to the view one has

From one’s viewpoint of the planet,

I was a scattered shadow that

Could have been a light

If things were turned upside down,

But I couldn’t exactly tell which

Was the real me and which was

The shadow.

I was walking on an earth that felt flat

Simply because I was walking without falling,

But they say the Earth is round,

So I decided it was simply a matter of

The word ‘earth’ being written

With a capital letter or not.

Germany calling 24

I was bathing in the sun,

Looking for the darkness,

The best place to grow

New roots,

Taking care of the old roots;

I was a tree

Stretching my branches

As far as I could,

Dreaming of flying,

Being of the earth,

Pertaining to no one and nothing,

I was my own


In a world full of trees

Just like me,

I was nothing special,

And yet, I was

Because I was me,

They were them,

We all were


Sending our roots into the earth,

Reaching for the heavens,

Trying to find a middle way.

Germany calling 22

I followed the Orange Sand Road

That was more blue than anything;

I was sending my feet

To form roots

In the earth I could feel beneath;

It gave a sudden feel of solidity

While I knew I was floating atoms

Perceiving everything to be

More than a dream,


But reality shifted every time I looked

Left and right,

The landscape was different,

My left eye saw differently from my right eye,

Sometimes meeting in the middle;

There was an echo, up on that hill

That I had struggled to get to,

It was my soul calling out to me

To keep on going

Looking for the end of the earth,

But the earth seemed to be round,

I thought it was flat,

Or so it seemed to my feet,

I was struggling to build a bridge of sand

So my left eye could cross to my right eye,

My right eye could cross to my left eye,

And meet in the middle,

Showing me


Germany calling 21

The road seemed endless

And I was tired of walking,

Feeling I hadn’t walked enough

In the depth of my being,

I was struggling to breathe

In a time that wasn’t mine,

While at the perfect time


On earth, on this planet, in this multiverse

Of being and not being,

Of being happy and being miserable,

The human being


To find its meaning,

Grasping at straws that

Allow it to breathe

Through the cracks of the earth

While it experiences everything,

The pains and the hurts

Of being a solid form

Instead of just floating




Germany calling 20

I was leaving traces

On a sandy earth

That was full of other traces

Of people, of dogs, of deer

Mixing together, becoming the same

Forms of life dotting the earth;

We were just dots

On the map of time passing,

Of seasons coming and going,

Of centuries continuing to beat

In the same rhythm as the moon shines

And the sun comes down on the earth

Only to disappear at precise intervals,

Or so it seemed to the ones

Standing just on one side of the earth,

Not able to run its whole width

In time to catch the sun rise and set

At the same time.

Mushrooms 30

The ending is near

For another beginning to come,

I go round while building triangles;

From the earth I take my roots,

From the stars I see up high,

I hear sounds of the universe

Echoing through the trees

That shade me from the rain sometimes,

At other times I walk alone

As I go back to being me,

Leaving dreams of who I used to be,

I remember myself

As I see the sun.

I awake,

Go back to sleep,

I awake again and,

For the last time,

I go back to sleep.